An avid solo and chamber performer, Hannah Weaver has special interests in contemporary literature and the solo literature of J. S. Bach. Recent performances include a world premiere of Jennifer Bellor’s “Amethyst Sky” (considered for Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Grammy 2020) and a solo recital of transcriptions of Bach solo works for collaborations of marimba, vibes, and dancers. A member of the Heartland Marimba Quartet since 2021, she will be performing with the quartet on their spring 2021 tour (concerti performances with Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, concerts in Mason City, IA and Oak Park, IL). Her mixed chamber trio “Odds and Ends” (saxophone, clarinet and percussion) will release an electronic album summer ‘21 with new commissions by Kitty Xiao, Erich Barganier, Jeremy Bearsden and Sean William Calhoun. With the Eastman Percussion Ensemble in their showcase performance at PASIC Nov. 2017, she performed in the world premieres of the John Psathas octet and Michael Burritt septet. Summers of 2016-2018, Weaver was percussion fellow with the Aspen Contemporary Ensemble, and summer 2019 she attended the Lake George Music Festival as one of two percussion fellows. She has also held fellowships with the Texas Music Festival and the National Repertory Orchestra. 

A passionate teacher committed to cultivating her students' individual musicianship, Weaver holds the position of Assistant Professor of Percussion at University of Nebraska-Omaha. Previously she taught at Virginia Tech during the 2018 spring semester. A guest clinician at Virginia Commonwealth University, Bowling Green State University, Radford University, the University of Indianapolis, and Eastern Tennessee State University, she has coached and conducted percussion ensembles at Virginia Tech, University of Michigan, University of Rochester, and Eastman School of Music. 

In November of 2018, Weaver competed in the TROMP International Percussion Competition in Amsterdam and advanced to the semifinals. She also placed in the semifinals of the 2009 Paris International Marimba Competition and won the 2014 Percussive Arts Society International Convention Orchestra Mock Audition. In 2015 she was a featured concerto performer with the National Repertory Orchestra, where she performed Russell Peck's "The Glory and the Grandeur."  

Weaver previously held positions as Principal Timpanist for the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic and Second Percussionist for the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. She has performed with Renee Fleming, Augustin Hadelich, Orli Shaham, Audra McDonald, Bob Becker, Jennifer Koh, So Percussion, Carol Jantsch, and Michael Burritt. She has had the opportunity to work closely with many great composers, including Steve Reich, Kaija Saariaho, Andrew Norman, Sean Shepherd, Chris Cerrone, Steve Mackey, and Ted Hearne. Live movie score performances with the Kansas City Symphony and Indianapolis Symphony include Star Trek, The Little Mermaid, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Weaver is a proud endorser of Malletech and Zildjian products.

D.M.A. Percussion Performance and Literature, Eastman School of Music (2019)

Performer’s Certificate, Eastman School of Music (2019)

M.M. Percussion Performance, University of Michigan (2015)

M.M. Chamber Music, University of Michigan (2015)

B.M. Percussion Performance, Eastman School of Music (2012)